Friday, September 27, 2013

Music Choices, Flooded Laptop and Dental Hygiene

       Currently, I am sitting at work, happily singing along to the Justin Bieber Christmas Album that my coworker is playing. I'm almost positive they have no idea that the songs are Christmas songs, but I am really enjoying singing along to them. His renditions (which I kept spelling as ramditions, and getting mad that spell check didn't understand what word I wanted, good thing I'm not an English Teacher here) of popular Christmas songs and original songs are actually pretty great. My absolute favorite though, is when I walk into the Health Department and highly explicit rap songs are playing. That really makes my day. I keep going back and forth between telling them that the songs are sexually explicit and they may not want to blare them through out the HD, but then on the other hand, I really enjoy the songs and it gives me something to sing along to with them, even though they don't understand what they are singing along to. So I will probably just say nothing and enjoy some English music being played during the day. They are also huge fans of Enrique Iglesias and Pitbull. So it's even more hilarious when we all try to sing along in Spanish to their songs. One day I hope to video record the singing madness that happens in my office.
       Yesterday, my counterpart approached me and asked if I would help him to come up with brochures about dental hygiene that will be passed out to teachers and parents of children in the community. At first he told me posters, so I got straight to work designing posters and looking up ideas on Pinterest. But then about a half hour later he came down and said that he didn't mean posters, he had a little paragraph he wrote out in English describing what we were supposed to do. We needed to make brochures/pamphlets not posters. We had to look up facts and advice to put in the pamphlets and design them. What we decided to do was to have a cover with a catchy photo and slogan and then the pages following would be: 1) What is a cavity? 2) How can you keep your teeth healthy? 3) Advice for Teachers 4) Advice for Parents 5) Diagram showing how to properly brush teeth. We decided that I would make a brochure and he would make one. We are then going to combine our ideas and make one final brochure. So that is what I am currently working on. I gave him a rough draft of mine last night to see if I was on the same page as him and doing what he had envisioned. He said it was great and that when he is done with his he will show me. One thing about Mongolians in the medical field is that they love love love statistics, facts and dry information. He told me that since the brochure is for adults that we do not need any pictures. So I then explained to him that no one will read our pamphlets if its just paragraphs of stats and facts about dental hygiene. People are more likely to read things if they are aesthetically pleasing and interesting looking. So I am interested to see what his looks like. They do the same thing with power point presentations. The slides are just full of lines and lines of sentences that the presenter reads word for word. No interesting graphs or pictures, just straight words. Hence why everyone is having side conversations and talking on their phones during them. Once I establish myself more in the Health Department, I would like to do some kind of training on this and show them how to make their presentations more interesting an interactive. I would also love to do some trainings on practices of facilitation, using surveys to receive feedback after trainings, Behavior Change Communication and Edgar Dale's Cone of Learning. I think that these would increase their effectiveness tremendously. But those will have to wait until I have gained their respect and proven myself to be successful with these techniques in my own trainings with the community. For now I am enjoying conducting surveys around the community myself and helping out in little ways around the Health Department. Currently all the Halloween party planning is taking up a lot of my time.
        The beginning of the week consisted of me spilling hot water all over my laptop and sending me into an instant terrible mood and pity party. The minute I did it, my world fell apart and I left work to see if I could salvage the computer. All I wanted to do was call my parents, but it would have been their 3am. It did cross my mind to just call anyways but after thinking about it, that was not necessary, I am an adult and need to start handling things myself (although I did call the next morning to talk about it). A great revelation, right? Haha. Thankfully I was able to, but that was after having a mini hissy fit on top of a mountain I hiked/ran up in a fit of anger. I ended up twisting my ankle half way up it, but continued to run until I reached the top, where I got out all my anger and prayed. It actually turned out to be very therapeutic and by the time I came down the mountain, my head was clearer and I decided to make progressive steps and begin to ask around about the best way of buying a new laptop. Do I take the 8-12 hour bus ride to the capital to see if there are any good ones there? Do I order from China, pay the enormous tariff on it? Or Do I buy from America and hope it gets here in one piece and makes it through customs? I got a lot of advice and decided the best option was to go to UB and my counterpart said he would drive me and help if I needed to go. He is so great! Hahaha, I am such a mess in situations like these. I do not like when things happen that I have not planned for. I like to have control and structured environment. My sister always told me that I was too uptight, and I never fully recognized it until this situation. I can only hope that my up tightness will be non existent or at least drastically reduced at the end of these two years. Because really having to buy a lap top is not the end of the world (even if I did just buy a new one 4 months ago), there are much worst things that could have happened. Luckily, none of that was needed and my computer survived and is running like normal. I will never have a liquid near it again. Lesson learned.
       This weekend we are planning on visiting the hot springs (so excited to just relax in them), going camping and hiking. I am really looking forward to it! This will be my first time really camping out in the wilderness in a tent, unless you consider sleeping in tents in Emily P's yard as camping =). I always did. Haha.

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